This was our 2013 Jayco Flight Swift 198 RD


Friday, 14 February 2025

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy valentine’s day to everyone. Love is the one and the only thing that can make the world into a better one.

I can’t believe we are halfway through February already and if this pace keeps up it’ll be spring time before I know it.  Although weather wise here in Florida it felt like summertime these past weeks. I am ready for a bit of a cooldown so we can enjoy the outdoors more and I don’t break out in a sweat when just sitting outside our travel trailer.

Yesterday we drove all the way down to Miami. The International Boat Show is on and runs until Sunday evening. We have been to this show over the years a number of times but not since 2013 I think. Lots has changed since then, but then what hasn’t. 

We were most interested in the vendors at the Marine Electronics Pavilion

So to start off, no longer are tickets for the boat show sold at the gate. You have to pay by credit card online and use that QR code digital Eventspass on your phone to enter. If you leave and reenter the show you have to show your phone with the Eventspass every time. That was new to us. Btw they were the most expensive tickets we’ve ever paid for entering a boat show and that even after using a coupon code.

The Miami International Boat Show is spread over 6 locations but you could take free shuttles from one to the other. Even water taxies were available, but for an extra charge. Miami is very congested, so parking can be a problem and with summer like temperatures you would not want to be too far parked from your destination. We were lucky to find parking at the Convention Center parking garage above the show halls, but they would not take cash, only a Creditcard to pay the $20 all day fee. While driving up to the parking roof, Benno said to me “Next time you drive!” as he let out a sigh of relief not having scratched up the truck after the umpteen tight turns going up and later down the parking house, which were going round and round and round. 

Ground floor to all the exhibit halls

We opted to only visit the halls of the Convention Center. Other locations like the Museum Park Marina you could view sailboats. Powerboats were at the Herald Plaza and Super yachts, where bording for a look around was by invitation only, were at the Yacht Haven Grande. You could test drive over 75 sea trial vessels at the Venetian Marina. There were seminars held and a VIP Lounge at theWindward Club etc. Enough to tire you out for sure.

No need to show you all the vendors but the booze stand ($9/shot) had no takers

I had the dogs with me and they behaved great. Benno and I split up but would meet up at certain vendors (we called each other) There were no other dogs that I could see. Lots of people stopped us to pet Reggy and Elsa or to tell me they had a dachshund at home. Later in the afternoon I took the dogs to the truck so they could rest, have a drink and a dog cookie and we had a snack too.

Major cities of the world were on display on the ceiling
"Brampton, 1,241 miles" is a small suburb of Toronto!
Was the installer from there??

The traffic out of Miami was more like a slow moving parking lot :-) We were in no hurry so it didn’t matter much to us, but we sure were glad when things got moving again and back at the RV Park we just wanted to rest up. The show was a good experience and we were glad we had gone to see it. Benno’s highlight was ordering a complete package of a smart “Simrad AP 44” autopilot unit, complete with Hydraulic Pump etc. for our Pocket Trawler. Now he can hardly wait to install it :-)

Next up: the Presidents Day on Monday (but I will hold on to my wallet) 

Finally, here are a couple of photos of our resident Sandhill Cranes. I believe it is a him and her and they keep striding around our grassy areas but loudly complain if you come too close.

Thanks for dropping in everyone.

Monday, 3 February 2025

Florida has turned on the heat

Yes, it has warmed up to seasonal temps, all week long between 82 to 86F/ 29 to 30C. Our outside thermometer showed 33C yesterday afternoon and at the moment 38C yikes, while it’s ok in the shade with a bit of a breeze, you can imagine what it is like walking in the broad sunshine. So we spent most of yesterday with the air-condition running inside our travel trailer.

Our refurbished propeller

Last week we got a call from General Propeller in Bradenton telling us that our propeller was ready for pick-up. If you recall, we had purchased a used propeller a few weeks ago that was manufactured here in Florida at General Propeller. The manufacturer also offers calibration and refurbishing of used propellers so we took the opportunity to have that done on the prop we had bought. It now looks like new and I’m sure it will perform flawlessly too. 

A continuous video shows the process of manufacturing and their services

Inside their customer service area

That is one huge prop

Not giving our truck much of a rest, we drove to Ft. Pierce for the day to meet up with friends from Toronto. They have a sailboat here that they just launched from a year of storage and they will sail over to the Bahamas for some vacation time enjoying the water and eating lobster. We spent the day on a fabulous beach and had the camera left in the camper and the phone in the truck. Sh*t, how could we forget?

In the Curry Island Park

Closer to home I wanted to drive around the loop of Curry Island. It’s ideal for roller skating, bike riding, walking or just slowly driving in absolute tranquility. Our dogs loved to run partway and I spotted bee hives in a clearing off the path. The bees were swarming all around so I didn’t walk any nearer.

There are loops in the park and only one road in and out

Bee hives hidden in the bush

Another day we took an afternoon walk close to one of the locks to the Okeechobee lake. There must be lots of fish there as it seemed to be a popular area for the fishermen.

At the Okeechobee lock

Speaking of fishing, we have a pond here on the RV Resort property. Sometimes I walk there with the dogs. I heard there had been Alligators there in the past, but perhaps not any longer. However I’d seen a Turtle, a couple of Iguanas, Sandhill Cranes, an Egret and many other birds there. So I like to go there in hopes to discover more wildlife. 

Iguana blending in with the palm tree

Egret waiting for dinner

A couple of sandhill cranes

By the way, I noticed that my iPhone camera captures the area in addition to the photo taken once I download it to my photos app. I find that interesting.

A map shows up on photos taken with my iPhone with location

Thanks everyone for sticking with me and seeing where we spend our days. Please come again!

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Friends come for a visit

In my last blog post I promised photos of the Lakeport Community Sour Orange Festival. Following are some that I took of the event. It was perfect weather and the turnout was pretty good I think, because the large parking lot was full. More and more cars were pulling up for the event that now had to park along the street and that is where I ended up.

lots of concession stands

A whole room full of quilts from local artists

Patricia Rich will crochet you any animal of your choice and ship to you
Custom Crochet Stuffed Items 561-693-7576

here you could bid on the large tractor sitting out front

There was a $2 entrance fee and raffle tickets were also sold at the table that was manned by folks from our RV park. They recognized me instantly as the two cute dachshunds mom. Since I never got a phone call later congratulating me for winning the jack pot, I presume I didn’t win anything on the raffle, but all contributions went for a good cause.

The following week it started to cool off considerably. It’s not Florida like weather for sure, but it will warm up soon to more seasonable temps. At least we don’t get snow down here like in Northern Florida, but the rain is coming down and keeping everyone indoors. 

Scott and Heather in our RV

Yesterday we had visitors! During our cruising years we made several friends for life. One of those are Heather and Scott from formerly "Scott Free." Yes, it has been quite some time since we last saw them and we think it was perhaps in the Saintes just south of Guadeloupe that we both shared an anchorage although we travelled to many of the same places like Bahamas or Panama, but not always at the same time. Click this link to read about my blog entry from 2010. Heather and Scott live now in Vermont and are also RVing part of the year. They had been visiting friends at Ft. Pierce and were on their way to Naples. Just two days prior they had met up with mutual cruising friends Linda and Ed, formerly “Dreamtime” in Jacksonville, Fl. So when they learned where we were, they came for a short visit.  It was lovely to see them again and hear of their traveling plans. The weather kept us indoors our RV and I improvised a sit-down lunch for us all. 

Heather in The Saintes

It looks like we have to endure another week of unseasonal temps and in preparation for it we went to get a propane bottle filled today so we can stay toasty warm.

That bottle of propane should last us for a while

Thanks for dropping in again and stay warm y’all!

Saturday, 18 January 2025

Fisheating Creek

From our RV park it is about a 10 minute drive to the Banana Grove Road off Hwy 78 that leads to the Fisheating Creek Wildlife Management Area. After another day in Bradenton last week, we were ready for some leg stretching exercise and that is where we went yesterday. 

From the highway turnoff a sand road leads to the main parking area and FWC (Florida Wildlife Conservation) office. There are pavilions for picnics, and an observation stand overlooking the Fisheating Creek. At the interpretive kiosks are pamphlets of the Fort Center Trail Map and Recreation Guides.

Our dogs were excited to come along with us on the interpretive tail, sniffing and running enjoying themselves. Their pace slowed down a bit the further we went, as did ours. Now I knew it was a 4.5 mile trail and we had best intentions, even resting at several kiosks, reading up the legends on the boards, we gave up two thirds of the trail and turned around. Next time we will bring some water with us.

Of course our eyes were on the lookout for some wildlife. In the distance at the creek we saw ibis, egrets and herons and a hawk up in the trees. However this time there were no other creatures except for a lone cow lazily observing us and the dogs.  

Back at the start of the trail we were rewarded with a photo opportunity of a suntanning alligator and while I stood there taking his photo, I got bit by a nasty bunch of ants crawling onto my feet and legs as I stood amid their nest. Boy did I jump! It was more than an unpleasant experience, I can still feel the itch, just thinking about  it!

The brochure said to give the alligators some respect
so I think no petting is recommended

There is more to the Fisheating Creek. Another entrance to the recreational area is from Palmdale which also has a boat ramp. From there you could paddle downstream to Fort Center or to the channel to Lake Okeechobee, upstream are more campgrounds. There is also a campground and lots of opportunities for hiking. I am sure we will explore more of the area in the coming weeks.

Today I went to the Lakeport Community Sour Orange Festival, but that is for another blog post, so stay tuned.

Thanks for dropping in again!