This was our 2013 Jayco Flight Swift 198 RD


Thursday, 23 January 2025

Friends come for a visit

In my last blog post I promised photos of the Lakeport Community Sour Orange Festival. Following are some that I took of the event. It was perfect weather and the turnout was pretty good I think, because the large parking lot was full. More and more cars were pulling up for the event that now had to park along the street and that is where I ended up.

lots of concession stands

A whole room full of quilts from local artists

Patricia Rich will crochet you any animal of your choice and ship to you
Custom Crochet Stuffed Items 561-693-7576

here you could bid on the large tractor sitting out front

There was a $2 entrance fee and raffle tickets were also sold at the table that was manned by folks from our RV park. They recognized me instantly as the two cute dachshunds mom. Since I never got a phone call later congratulating me for winning the jack pot, I presume I didn’t win anything on the raffle, but all contributions went for a good cause.

The following week it started to cool off considerably. It’s not Florida like weather for sure, but it will warm up soon to more seasonable temps. At least we don’t get snow down here like in Northern Florida, but the rain is coming down and keeping everyone indoors. 

Scott and Heather in our RV

Yesterday we had visitors! During our cruising years we made several friends for life. One of those are Heather and Scott from formerly "Scott Free." Yes, it has been quite some time since we last saw them and we think it was perhaps in the Saintes just south of Guadeloupe that we both shared an anchorage although we travelled to many of the same places like Bahamas or Panama, but not always at the same time. Click this link to read about my blog entry from 2010. Heather and Scott live now in Vermont and are also RVing part of the year. They had been visiting friends at Ft. Pierce and were on their way to Naples. Just two days prior they had met up with mutual cruising friends Linda and Ed, formerly “Dreamtime” in Jacksonville, Fl. So when they learned where we were, they came for a short visit.  It was lovely to see them again and hear of their traveling plans. The weather kept us indoors our RV and I improvised a sit-down lunch for us all. 

Heather in The Saintes

It looks like we have to endure another week of unseasonal temps and in preparation for it we went to get a propane bottle filled today so we can stay toasty warm.

That bottle of propane should last us for a while

Thanks for dropping in again and stay warm y’all!


  1. Nice to be able to catch up with Friends that you have not seen for some time.
    I'm positive that we attended the Sour Orange Festival years ago with friends from New Brunswick.
    It appears that the Polar Vortex has finally lost its grip on Essex County.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy all the warmth you can.

    It's about time.

    1. You probably did go the festival as it is close enough to the park you stayed at. We are all waiting for winter to be over :-)

  2. That's my kind of craft fair. Lots of very nice handmade things!! How fun to meet up with friends from the past. Global warming doesn't seem to be happening here on the west coast either. We've been freezing and using up LOTS of propane also!!

    1. There are lots of talented people selling their creations and I admire them all. Thank goodness for the propane, so much more efficient than electric heaters.

  3. I bet there was a run on propane before that cold snap. When we were in KY before that first snow, we had to go to three places before we found one that still had propane!

    1. You are right on, there was a long line up and it rained on top of it. Juan, the man who did the filling is from Guatemala and because of the rain was no "Speedy Gonzales," but indicated he would like to drive to Jacksonville to see the snow.

  4. What an eventful week, a craft fair and everything. Glad Scott/Heather made it by, we sure enjoyed our visit with them! Come on sun, warm us up. 😁

    1. Luckily it was great weather for the craft fair. There are flea markets in town but way too cold to go there now and most of the vendors are shut down until it warms up.

  5. That craft fair looks like fun! There are a few around us too.
    The weather all around us is unusual this winter but I believe it will improve.

    1. Always interesting to see the goodies at the fairs. I believe the worst is over this winter and now we are back to normal.
