This was our 2013 Jayco Flight Swift 198 RD


Thursday, 8 March 2018

A mystery of missing comments

Today I am writing about a couple of problems that have been bothering me. It has to do with the “Blogger” websites and perhaps Google+ and maybe someone else has had the same trouble.

I have been noticing that when I am going to log out of my “Blogger” account I had to click the “sign out” button several times before I was really signed out. That was new to me and I tried to figure out why that was.

But the other issue that has been troubling me the most was that several comments I made on other people’s “Blogger” websites just disappeared. I mean I wrote a few sentences in the provided comment block, posted them and got the replay: “Your comment was published” only to find out later, maybe the next day or so, that my comment was NOT there.  It had vanished. (I presume it was not intentionally deleted)

Yesterday I went onto the Blogger Help Forum to see if anyone could shed some light onto these happenings.

I did get a reply and the mysterious problem of multiple logouts I have been experiencing was explained following in my abbreviated version like this:

Blogger provides multiple connection points (‘nodes”) to their databases, through the Blogger/Google Content Distribution Network (“CDN”), in many different cities worldwide.
Generally, a blog owner will connect to Blogger, using the closest CDN node. Thanks to Internet Protocol networking with Multipath Routing, the “closest” node won’t always be the node with the least geographical distance from the owner. So when I log out from Blogger, while being connected to one node, the Blogger database in other nodes won’t always be updated immediately, to reflect the log out status. There will always be some delay between updates.

This made sense to me while we are presently in the RV Park connected to their wifi via our secured router.

Now, my other issue with the missing comments is not so easily explained and remains unsolved for the moment.

One of the possible causes suggested are: Harsh though this may be, my comments are treated as spam by Blogger.

Who, Me?  I don’t Spam

I am, and probably you too, have been trusting on blog obscurity verification and Google authentication to restrict commenters from spamming. Maybe Blogger has a filtering problem?

So, out of curiosity, I went into my “Bloggers” Comment section and sub menu “Spam” in there, I found a very nice comment made to one of my posts from an anonymous person. It had ended up in my “Spam Folder”.  I didn’t do that!

Maybe if my fellow bloggers would be kind enough to check their “Spam Folders” perhaps that is where I am buried.

This post might not have been to everyones liking or cup of tea, but "Bloggers" might help other "Bloggers".  Feel free to comment ;-)

I leave you now with a few pictures of the Hilltop RV Park.

The last parked RV next to the wilderness park made himself a little garden
with a fairy house


  1. I frequently check my spam file in blogger and occasionally find a comment there, not sure why either, so I mark it not spam and all is good until next time.

  2. I think I am still getting your comments and I appreciate every one. Thank you!
    Thanks for the info though, I will check my Spam folder more regularly. This was a good post, helpful to everyone! :)

  3. That is something that everyone should do not only with their Blogs but their E-Mail as well. You will find many proper comments become misdirected and if you don't check within 30 days they are permanently deleted. It is all a learning process that those that experienced them in the past automatically check.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  4. Thank you all. It is a learning process as Rick mentioned. Our spam folder will get more attention from now on. It's still a mystery where my comments went though. Maybe cyber heaven.

  5. Our comments always arrive in my word press site and thank you for making them.
